- “My Husband And I Separated. When We Met Up 14 Years Later, I Was Surprised By What Happened”
HuffPost Personal - “Mother Knows Best”
The New York Times: Tiny Modern Love
Also in the book Tiny Love Stories : True Tales of Love in 100 Words or Less - “Only The Lonely“
From Roxane Gay’s Bestselling Anthology
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture - “My Family Is an Arranged Constellation”
The On Being Project - “All Roads Lead Home”
Amazon Kindle Single
- “To Make a Mountain,” Bending Genres
- “No Names Left To Say,” The Molotov Cocktail
- “Asylum,” Juked
- “May You Be Like Sarah,” Lumina XV
- “Exposure,” Mid-American Review
- “Deluge” Midwestern Gothic
- “Detritus,” Barrelhouse
- “Attachment Theory,” Lost Balloon
- “Monsters,” Proximity
- “Dog, Rope, Self, Love,” Barrelhouse
- “Reckoning”, Midnight Breakfast
- “Projection,” Cheap Pop Lit
- “A Long Walk Through Belmont,” Digital Americana
- “There’s No Way To Arrange It,” Angels Flight Literary West
- “Asylum Anywhere,” Vinyl
- “To Bear Life,” The Collapsar
- “Time As A Line,” Glass Poetry
- Three Poems, Pidgeonholes
- Two Poems, Pidgeonholes
- “Motherfucker,” Booth
- “Grafting,” Tinderbox
- “Jetsam,” Chaparral
- “At The Food of the Unmade Bed,” Bodega
- “Since the Catastrophe,” Entropy
- “Revising It Into Something I Can Bear,” The Shallow End
- “It Might Hurt,” Drunk in a Midnight Choir
- “Lifecycle of a Bruise,” Drunk in a Midnight Choir
- “Forgetting is Another Kind of Extinction,” Tishman Review
- “Trespassing,” Tishman Reivew
- “Neurology,” BOAAT
- “What Remains,” Carve Magazine
- “Reservoir,” Emerge Literary Journal
- Fine Arts Work Center
- Kharbohemia
- Sirenland
- Tin House
- Writing by Writers